Saxon Insurance Agency
Mobile Home Insurance in Texas
Texas businesses can get high-quality Mobile Home Insurance from the Saxon Insurance Agency. Get a quote today!
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Saxon Insurance Agency
Learn more about Mobile Home Insurance
The Saxon Insurance Agency provides mobile home coverage to residents in Texas.

What is mobile home insurance?
Owning a mobile home requires a sizeable investment, and it’s important to make sure that investment is protected. One important aspect of protecting a mobile home located in Texas is getting proper mobile home insurance for it.
Mobile home insurance provides specialized homeowners coverages for manufacturing housing. Policies are created with the unique construction and features of mobile homes in mind.
Who in Texas is manufactured home insurance right for?
Most Texas homeowners who have mobile homes need to insure them. Manufactured home insurance is usually the right type of homeowners policy for these residences.
In many cases, lenders who have outstanding loans against a manufactured home require that it be insured with one of these policies. Some communities might require specific coverages, too.
Even if there aren’t any lender- or community-stipulated coverage requirements, a manufactured home policy is still generally recommended. Few homeowners could afford to replace their mobile home if something happened to it.

What insurance coverages should residents with mobile homes look for?
There’s an array of coverages that manufactured home insurance can come with. Some common coverages that owners might want are:
- Dwelling Coverage: Normally insures the mobile home itself, providing protection against damage resulting from covered perils.
- Personal Property Coverage: Normally insures belongings located at the mobile home, providing protection against damage or loss due to covered perils.
- Loss of Use Coverage: Normally covers additional living expenses incurred if the mobile home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event.
- Personal Liability Coverage: Normally covers various types of liability lawsuits that could be brought against the policyholder.
An insurance agent specializing in manufactured home insurance can help owners make sure they get the coverages that their home should have.
Are floods covered by mobile home policies?
Mobile home policies, like most homeowners policies, usually don’t include flooding among their covered perils. Flood insurance might be procured through the National Flood Insurance Program or the private marketplace, as a flood-specific policy.
Are earthquakes covered by mobile home policies?
Mobile home policies also usually exclude earthquakes from their protections. If earthquake coverage is wanted, an insurance agent may be able to help purchase it separately.

What does HO-7 mean in a mobile home policy?
Homeowners policies are often abbreviated using a standard system that’s followed within the insurance industry.
HO-7 is the abbreviation normally used for mobile home policies. The abbreviation generally indicates that these policies have been adapted for manufactured housing.
Some other homeowners policy abbreviations are HO-1, HO-2 and HO-3 (traditional houses), HO-4 (renters), HO-5 (usually luxury homes), HO-6 (condominiums) and HO-8 (older homes).
What’s the difference between mobile home and manufactured housing insurance?
Mobile home policies and manufactured housing policies are basically the same for insurance purposes.
The distinction between mobile homes and manufactured housing is made by HUD. The federal department generally classifies these homes built before June 15, 1976 as mobile homes. Ones built after June 15, 1976 are generally classified as manufactured homes.
These homes generally need the same insurance coverages, however, so the same type of policy is typically used for mobile homes and manufactured homes.
How much does it cost to insure a mobile home?
The premiums charged for insuring mobile homes are based on many factors. Some of the details that impact cost are the mobile home’s age, construction, size and location. Other details impact cost, too.
In general, however, these policies tend to cost less than policies for single-family houses.
To find out how much insuring a specific mobile home would be, owners should consult an independent insurance agent. An independent agent will be able to check how much different insurers will charge for a policy.

How can Texas residents get mobile home insurance?
For help insuring a mobile home in Texas, contact the independent insurance agents at Saxon Insurance Agency. Together, we can make sure you find mobile home insurance that’ll protect your place well.
Contact the Saxon Insurance Agency today!